Mila Figuet
Expressing the unspeakable and depicting the invisible.
Mila Figuet is a performance artist based in TiohtiĆ :ke/Montreal. Her practice investigates issues of gender violence such as rape, femicide, domestic violence and other forms of domination.

As the body is often the primary site of such violence, it is central to her performances. Using her own, and sometimes those of collaborators, she subverts its instrumentalization into a means of protest and healing. She stages situations or installations in which diverse voices resonate, interweaving her own experiences with collective struggles and testimonies. Based on the premise that the personal is political, her work reveals the interconnections between individual experience and oppressive social structures.

Driven by a profound desire for change and social justice, the essence of her practice seeks to build bridges between activism and the art world. As such, she strives to find strategies for raising awareness about violence while avoiding its sensationalization. By combining techniques rooted in reality, such as oral history and archival work, with more evocative elements like symbolism and mystery, she creates a language halfway between documentary and fiction.

Her current research focuses on the act of screaming and explores its potential as a weapon of resilience and unity among womxn in expressing the violence they have endured.